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Empty At Zero Creator - 2017 - Unity tool

You want to organize your Scene hierarchy properly. But when you create new empty GameObjects on the Scene, you're tired of having to always reset its transform values just after.

The Empty At Zero Creator tool is the solution.

With this tool you can directly create new empty GameObjects with a local position already set at (x = 0, y = 0, z =0).

You can download it here from the Unity Asset Store.

Once you have installed the package, just do a right-click on a empty space of the hierarchy window, click on "Create Empty At Zero" and the new empty GameObject local position won't depend of the Scene View Focus Point, and will be at (0,0,0).

Components Finder - 2017 - Unity tool

You want a one-click way to find where are all the gameObjects on your scene which have on it a Rigidbody, a BoxCollider, an AudioSource or any existing component ? This tool is the solution.

Component Finder is a tool to find easily and quickly what gameObjects in your Scene have a specified component on it.

You can download it
here from the Unity Asset Store.

Once you have installed the package, just open the Component Finder window and click on the button corresponding the specified component you want to find on the scene. Easy and effective !

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Phone : +33 (0) 6 78 15 65 31

Pierre Stempin - Game Developer - Portfolio - 2017

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